A project to bring
our surroundings closer
to the Mahdavi Society.

Sarallah Education Complex, Our team of Aalims envisioned and are committed to fostering a cohesive integration of knowledge and spirituality, a humble endeavour to reminiscent Imam Jafar al-Sadiq's educational institution, known as the Bayt al-Hikmah (House of Wisdom), The foundation for this noble pursuit was laid down by Imam Baqir (a.s.). In such circumstances education/knowledge will become not only a means of earning a livelihood but also a means of serving Allah (s).

The division between religious and modern education is indeed a critical issue that has plagued the Muslim world for centuries. The deliberate dissection of these two forms of education can be traced back to the colonial era, meticulously carried out by the British and other Imperial powers. This artificial separation has led to numerous challenges in the realm of education for Muslims worldwide. Read more...

Today, the greatest challenge faced by Muslims is to reconcile and integrate religious and modern education seamlessly. The goal is to ensure that knowledge serves as a means of drawing closer to God and provides profound meaning to life on this earth. While this may appear challenging, history bears witness to the fact that Muslims have successfully achieved this integration in the past

Imam Jafar al-Sadiq's educational institution, Bayt al-Hikmah (House of Wisdom), played a vital role in the dissemination of knowledge during the Islamic Golden Age. It was an intellectual centre where students from different parts of the Islamic world and even abroad came to attend lectures and engage in debates.

Bayt al-Hikmah (House of Wisdom), was a hub for various fields of knowledge, including Islamic jurisprudence, theology, philosophy, mathematics, medicine, chemistry, astronomy, and more. Imam Jafar al-Sadiq encouraged critical thinking, research, and debate among his students, making it a vibrant and dynamic learning environment. The scholars who studied at the House of Wisdom under the guidance of Imam Jafar al-Sadiq contributed significantly to the advancement of knowledge in various fields. Their contributions had a profound and lasting impact on Islamic scholarship and the broader world of learning during the Abbasid era Golden Age. Bayt al-Hikmah (House of Wisdom), stands as a symbol of the rich intellectual heritage and the pursuit of knowledge during Imam Jafar al-Sadiq's time and continues to inspire scholars and learners to this day. This flourishing era produced a constellation of distinguished scholars, philosophers, and scientists whose contributions continue to echo throughout history. From the brilliant mind of Jabir ibn Hayyan, the renowned alchemist and chemist, to the wisdom of Ibn Rushd (Averroes), the eminent philosopher, and Ibn Sina (Avicenna), the polymath whose works spanned multiple disciplines, these luminaries exemplify the pinnacle of Islamic scholarship.

From the era of Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) to the decline of the Muslim empire, there were remarkable instances of combining religious and secular education harmoniously. Scholars and leaders of that time understood the importance of holistic learning, where religious knowledge was coupled with a broad range of academic and secular disciplines.

Reviving this tradition and bridging the gap between religious and modern education is essential for Muslims in the contemporary world. By doing so, Muslims can equip themselves with both spiritual and intellectual tools to address the complexities and challenges of the present age. This integration will not only foster a deeper understanding of faith but also enable Muslims to contribute meaningfully to various fields of knowledge and progress.

It is time for Muslims to re-embrace the spirit of unity in education, breaking down the artificial barriers that were imposed during colonial times. By harmonizing religious and modern education, Muslims can embark on a transformative journey of knowledge that aligns with their faith and helps them lead purposeful lives guided by both divine principles and intellectual enlightenment.Read less...

The Quran reminds us that those who do not engage their minds are likened to the 'vilest of animals' (8:22). Allah (swt) encourages us to exercise our intellects, cultivating a profound conviction in the truth (Haq). Imam Ali (a.s.) beautifully elucidates that the purpose of revelation and the sending of prophets is to unearth the 'buried treasures of the intellects.'

These treasures are the innate knowledge, ingrained in the human spirit, which bears witness to the Divine. Our journey at Sarallah Foundation is a spiritual odyssey, guided by the wisdom of Imam Ali (a.s.), a beacon of enlightenment. Here, knowledge is not a mere accumulation of facts; it's a sacred pilgrimage that harmonizes timeless wisdom with the aspirations of a spiritually enriched future.

As the layers of history were unveiled, they observed a recurring theme, a thread that connected the past to the present - the essence of knowledge, spirituality, and their inseparable union. Among the gems discovered were the educational institutions of the past, led by illustrious figures like Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) and Imam Ali ibne Abu Talib (a.s.), where the pursuit of knowledge was not confined to the mere acquisition of facts but intertwined with divine principles, fostering a holistic understanding of life's purpose.

"Guided by Ayatollah Khamenei's Vision and Imam Khomeini's Aspiration"

With unwavering determination and guided by the vision of Ayatollah Khamenei and the aspiration of Imam Khomeini, the idea of Sarallah Education Complex was conceived. The complex would be a center of excellence, seamlessly integrating religious and modern education, nurturing the buried treasures of intellect, and awakening spiritual awareness in the hearts of the students.

"The Vision of a Mahdavi Society"

The aim was clear - to produce responsible, virtuous, and enlightened individuals who would serve as the torchbearers of a Mahdavi Society. Through education imbued with divine principles, Sarallah Education Complex would empower its students to contribute meaningfully to society, paving the way for the advent of Imam Mahdi and the establishment of a just and enlightened world.

In this profound journey of self-discovery and enlightenment, our Ulemas recognized the imperative of harmonizing religious and modern education. They envisioned an educational institution that would revive the legacy of Baitul Hikmah, the House of Wisdom, and create a haven for scholars and learners to explore the depths of knowledge and spirituality, just as it was in the golden age of Islam. The journey of conceptualizing Sarallah Education Complex was born from the inspiration of great leaders, the wisdom of history, and the boundless potential of the human intellect guided by divine principles. It is a testament to the unyielding commitment of our Ulemas and the community, to shape a brighter future, one where knowledge and spirituality unite to illuminate the path towards enlightenment and progress.

"Quranic Verses and Hadiths Guiding the Journey"

The Qur'an compares those who do not think as worse than the vilest of animals. "Surely, the vilest of animals in Allah's sight, are the deaf, the dumb who do not think". (8:22). Saying of Imam Ali ibne Abu Talib (a.s.): "He who has a thousand dinars today, and has not learnt anything from it, then the dinars will go and he will remain." "He who learns something and does not act upon it is like the person who ploughs and sows a field, and when the time of harvest comes he reaps nothing."

"Quranic Verses Embracing Islamic Way of Life"

In the radiant verses of the Quran, we discover profound guidance that defines Islam as not merely a religion but a comprehensive way of life intricately woven into existence. Adhering to its sacred principles and divine doctrines, akin to a luminous compass, leads us to prosperity and felicity in this world and the hereafter. The Quran illuminates the path to righteousness, teaching us to cultivate virtues, shun vices, and coexist harmoniously. At the core of this path lie the revered figures of Prophet Muhammad (s) and the pure infallible Imams (a.s.) from his progeny, whose teachings and wisdom inspire and guide us. Their knowledge transcends mere facts, embracing the realms of heart, mind, and soul, instilling profound understanding in the transient world. Unlocking gates to success, this celestial knowledge harmonizes our lives with the divine will, paving the way for accomplishment in our endeavors. As we traverse this path with virtue and devotion, we draw closer to eternal rewards. Embracing divine knowledge bestowed by the Prophet (s) and the Imams (a.s.), we find ourselves enriched, leading purposeful lives filled with virtue and ultimate felicity in the embrace of divine grace. By holding fast to the Quran, following the Ahlul Bayt, and practicing Taqwa, we attain guidance for this life and the hereafter, ensuring prosperity in both realms.

The division between religious and modern education is indeed a critical issue that has plagued the Muslim world for centuries. The deliberate dissection of these two forms of education can be traced back to the colonial era, meticulously carried out by the British and other imperial powers. This artificial separation has led to numerous challenges in the realm of education for Muslims worldwide.

Today, the greatest challenge faced by Muslims is to reconcile and integrate religious and modern education seamlessly. The goal is to ensure that knowledge serves as a means of drawing closer to God and provides profound meaning to life on this earth. While this may appear challenging, history bears witness to the fact that Muslims have successfully achieved this integration in the past.

"Reminiscent of Bayt al-Hikmah: Journeying into the Wisdom of Imam Jafar al-Sadiq"

Imam Jafar al-Sadiq's educational institution, Bayt al-Hikmah (House of Wisdom), played a vital role in the dissemination of knowledge during the Islamic Golden Age. It was an intellectual center where students from different parts of the Islamic world and even abroad came to attend lectures and engage in debates. Bayt al-Hikmah (House of Wisdom), was a hub for various fields of knowledge, including Islamic jurisprudence, theology, philosophy, mathematics, medicine, chemistry, astronomy, and more. Imam Jafar al-Sadiq encouraged critical thinking, research, and debate among his students, making it a vibrant and dynamic learning environment. The scholars who studied at the House of Wisdom under the guidance of Imam Jafar al-Sadiq contributed significantly to the advancement of knowledge in various fields. Their contributions had a profound and lasting impact on Islamic scholarship and the broader world of learning during the Abbasid era Golden Age. Bayt al-Hikmah (House of Wisdom), stands as a symbol of the rich intellectual heritage and the pursuit of knowledge during Imam Jafar al-Sadiq's time and continues to inspire scholars and learners to this day. This flourishing era produced a constellation of distinguished scholars, philosophers, and scientists whose contributions continue to echo throughout history. From the brilliant mind of Jabir ibn Hayyan, the renowned alchemist and chemist, to the wisdom of Ibn Rushd (Averroes), the eminent philosopher, and Ibn Sina (Avicenna), the polymath whose works spanned multiple disciplines, these luminaries exemplify the pinnacle of Islamic scholarship.

From the era of Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) to the decline of the Muslim empire, there were remarkable instances of combining religious and secular education harmoniously. Scholars and leaders of that time understood the importance of holistic learning, where religious knowledge was coupled with a broad range of academic and secular disciplines.

"Harmonizing Religious and Modern Education for a Transformative Journey of Knowledge"

Reviving this tradition and bridging the gap between religious and modern education is essential for Muslims in the contemporary world. By doing so, Muslims can equip themselves with both spiritual and intellectual tools to address the complexities and challenges of the present age. This integration will not only foster a deeper understanding of faith but also enable Muslims to contribute meaningfully to various fields of knowledge and progress. In such circumstances education/ knowledge will became not only a mean of earning livelihood but also a means of serving Allah (s).

1. Spiritual Preparation: The first step towards preparing a conducive environment is to focus on spiritual preparation. This involves cultivating an atmosphere of sincerity, devotion, and piety. It is necessary to establish a strong connection with Allah and to work towards purifying the heart and soul. This can be achieved through regular prayer, Quranic recitation, and remembrance of Allah.

2. Moral Education: The next step is to focus on moral education. This involves cultivating a culture of respect, honesty, kindness, and compassion. It is essential to instill these values in children and adults alike, through formal education, community outreach, and modeling positive behavior.

3. Intellectual Development: The third step is to focus on intellectual development. This involves providing high-quality education that emphasizes critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity. It is necessary to equip learners with the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate the complex challenges of the modern world.

4. Community Building: The fourth step is to focus on community building. This involves establishing strong networks of support and cooperation, based on shared values and goals. It is essential to foster a sense of belonging and to create a positive sense of identity as members of a Mahdavi community.

5. Outreach and Engagement: The fifth step is to focus on outreach and engagement. This involves reaching out to others, both within and outside the Mahdavi community, and engaging in meaningful dialogue and collaboration. It is necessary to build bridges of understanding and to work towards shared goals and objectives.

6. Service to Humanity: The sixth step is to focus on service to humanity. This involves working towards the betterment of society and the world at large. It is essential to engage in acts of charity, social justice, and environmental sustainability, with the goal of creating a more just, equitable, and compassionate world.

By following these steps, we can create a conducive environment for establishing a Mahdavi society and paving the way for the advent of Imam Mahdi. It is important to remember that this is an ongoing process that requires dedication, perseverance, and a strong commitment to the principles of Islam.

In this modern era of digital and social media, we are faced with an immense responsibility to create and maintain an environment that is conducive to impactful education. The education ecosystem must be robust and resilient to ensure that we can thoroughly educate, foster, nurture, guide, train, and transform both children and adults, preparing them to become future leaders and companions for the service of Hazrat Imam Mahdi. The rapid expansion of digital and social media has transformed the ways in which we interact, communicate, and learn. This presents both opportunities and challenges. On the one hand, digital and social media offer access to vast amounts of information, resources, and knowledge that can be harnessed to enhance education and learning. On the other hand, the same platforms can be used to spread misinformation, hate speech, and extremist ideologies.

As a result, it is crucial that we create a conducive environment for education, one that is characterized by strong and resilient education ecosystems. This entails the cultivation of a robust infrastructure for education that can withstand the challenges presented by the digital age. We must prepare educators and learners alike to navigate the complex and rapidly changing landscape of digital and social media with skill, knowledge, and discernment.

In addition to technical skills, we must also focus on moral and ethical education. The digital age has brought with it a new set of moral and ethical challenges, such as cyberbullying, online harassment, and the spread of harmful content. We must equip learners with the tools and knowledge necessary to navigate these challenges with integrity and respect for others.

"Paving the Path for the Advent of Hazrat Imam Mahdi"

Ultimately, our goal must be to prepare learners to become future leaders and companions for the service of Hazrat Imam Mahdi. This requires a holistic approach to education that takes into account the spiritual, moral, and intellectual dimensions of the human experience. Only by cultivating such an approach can we hope to pave the way for the advent of Hazrat Imam Mahdi and the coming of a more just and equitable world.

In conclusion, we face a great responsibility in this age of digital and social media to create a conducive environment for education that is characterized by robust and resilient education ecosystems. By preparing learners to navigate the complex landscape of digital and social media with skill, knowledge, and discernment, we can cultivate future leaders and companions for the service of Hazrat Imam Mahdi, and pave the way for a brighter and more just future.

"Bridging the Divide: Reviving Unity in Education for an Enlightened Tomorrow"

Much like a natural ecosystem is composed of many individual parts, building an effective education ecosystem requires a set of interconnected components in an environment that fosters effective teaching, learning, training and development. Building such conducive environment & impactful education ecosystem necessitate the cohesive integration of modern education & Skill Development with religious education and spirituality. Even The Grand Ayatollah Syed Ali Sistani and Rehbare Moazzam Ayatollah Syed Ali Khamenei have emphasized the importance of imparting World-class Modern Education with Islamic values in an Islamic environment.

It is time for Muslims to re-embrace the spirit of unity in education, breaking down the artificial barriers that were imposed during colonial times. By harmonizing religious and modern education, Muslims can embark on a transformative journey of knowledge that aligns with their faith and helps them lead purposeful lives guided by both divine principles and intellectual enlightenment.

Here are few influential scientists, inventors, and scholars from the Abbasid Golden Age of Islam who made significant contributions to various fields:

• Muhammad ibn Musa Al-Khwarizmi: Often referred to as the "Father of Algebra," Al-Khwarizmi made groundbreaking contributions to mathematics, particularly in the development of algebra and the decimal numeral system, which laid the foundation for modern arithmetic.

• Jabir ibn Hayyan (Geber): Often referred to as the "Father of Chemistry," Jabir ibn Hayyan made significant advancements in chemistry, alchemy, and metallurgy, laying the groundwork for modern chemistry.

• Abu Yusuf Yaqub al-Kindi (Alkindus): A philosopher, mathematician, and musician, Alkindus made significant contributions to various fields, including philosophy, mathematics, and cryptography.

• Ibn Rushd (Averroes): A prominent philosopher and jurist, Averroes made notable contributions to logic, theology, medicine, and jurisprudence, and played a key role in preserving and transmitting the works of Aristotle.

• Thabit ibn Qurra: An accomplished mathematician, astronomer, and physician, Thabit ibn Qurra made important contributions to number theory and trigonometry. He also translated and preserved numerous Greek texts, further enriching Islamic scholarship.

• Ibn al-Haytham (Alhazen): Considered one of the early pioneers of the scientific method, Alhazen made significant.advancements in optics, including the first comprehensive study of the behavior of light. His work laid the groundwork for the modern understanding of optics.

• Ibn Sahl: A physicist and mathematician, Ibn Sahl formulated the law of refraction, known as Snell's Law, which explains the bending of light when it passes through different mediums.

• Abu al-Qasim al-Zahrawi (Albucasis): A renowned surgeon and physician, Albucasis is often referred to as the "Father of Modern Surgery." His seminal work, "Al-Tasrif," covered a wide range of medical topics and surgical techniques and influenced medical practices in Europe for centuries.

• Ibn al-Nafis: A physician and anatomist, Ibn al-Nafis is credited with discovering the pulmonary circulation of blood, challenging earlier beliefs about the circulatory system and making significant contributions to the field of medicine.

• Abu Rayhan al-Biruni: A polymath known for his contributions to astronomy, mathematics, geography, and history. His observations and calculations in astronomy were far ahead of his time.

• Al-Razi (Rhazes): A polymath known for his contributions to medicine, chemistry, and alchemy.

• Ibn Sina (Avicenna): Renowned physician, philosopher, and author of "The Canon of Medicine," a comprehensive medical encyclopedia.

• Alhazen (Ibn al-Haytham): Optics pioneer, known for his work on the behavior of light and the scientific method.

• Al-Kindi: Known as the "Philosopher of the Arabs," he contributed to various fields, including philosophy, mathematics, and cryptography.

• Al-Farabi: Influential philosopher and political scientist.

• Al-Zahrawi (Albucasis): Renowned surgeon and author of "Al-Tasrif," an influential medical encyclopedia.

• Ibn Tufail: Philosopher and author of "Hayy ibn Yaqzan," an influential philosophical novel.

• Ibn Bajjah (Avempace): Philosopher, scientist, and poet who contributed to various fields of knowledge.

• Ibn al-Jazzar: Noted physician and author of medical texts.

• Ibn Zuhr (Avenzoar): Prominent physician and surgeon who made significant contributions to medicine.

• Al-Masudi: Historian, geographer, and traveler known for his extensive work "Muruj adh-Dhahab."

• Al-Mawardi: Jurist and political theorist who wrote extensively on Islamic law and governance.

• Al-Tusi: Mathematician and astronomer who made important advancements in trigonometry and algebra.

• Al-Khazini: Astronomer and mathematician known for his work on the calculation of specific gravity.

• Al-Jazari: Inventor and engineer who made significant advancements in automata and mechanical devices.

• Ibn Khaldun: Historian, sociologist, and philosopher, known for his influential work "Muqaddimah."

• Ibn al-Baitar: Renowned botanist and pharmacist, author of "Kitab al-Jami fi al-Adwiya al-Mufrada."

• Ibn al-Shatir: Astronomer and mathematician who made advancements in trigonometry and astronomical instruments.

• Al-Qushayri: Scholar and author of the famous Sufi work "Risalah al-Qushayriyah."

• Ibn Miskawayh: Philosopher and ethicist known for his work on ethics and moral philosophy.

• Al-Khazin: Mathematician who made contributions to algebra and number theory.

• Ibn Khurradadhbih: Geographer and cartographer known for his work "Kitab al-Masalik wa al-Mamalik."

• Al-Marrakushi: Historian and biographer known for his work "Al-Mujib fi Talkhis Akhbar al-Maghrib."

• Al-Isfahani: Philologist and lexicographer known for his work "Kitab al-Aghani."

• Al-Saghani: Astronomer and mathematician known for his work on astronomical instruments.

• Al-Sijzi: Mathematician who worked on trigonometry and made advancements in spherical geometry.

• Al-Maghribi: Mathematician known for his work on algebra and his study of spherical trigonometry.

• Ibn Yunus: Astronomer who made precise measurements of celestial movements.

• Ibn Hazm: Philosopher, theologian, and jurist known for his works on ethics and Islamic law.

• Al-Battani: Astronomer who made significant advancements in trigonometry and observational astronomy.

• Mulla Sadra (1571-1640 CE): One of the most influential Islamic philosophers and mystics, Mulla Sadra's integration of philosophy and mysticism had a profound impact on Shia thought. His ideas on existentialism and spiritual journey are widely studied.

A unique center to fulfill the
academic & spiritual needs
of the community

By contributing to this ambitious transformative mission, your suppo will empowerfuture generations to emulate the righteous examples set by Imam Husain (a) and his companions, becoming beacons of inspiration and devoted Nasiraan of Hazrat Imam Mahdi (a).

In the pursuit of this noble cause, we invite you to donate generously and make a lasting impact by embracing the mission of the Sarallah Foundation and its proposed Sarallah Education Complex.

Here, the legacy of Imam Husayn (AS) and his valiant companions will be exalted through the integration of Islamic values, the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet, and the teachings ofAhlul-Bayt with modern academic excellence and skills.

Project Overview



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